About Exploris School: Mission, Vision, and Values


The Exploris School is a diverse learning community that engages students in a challenging, relevant, relationship-based education. Through experiential, project-based learning we empower students to foster a just and sustainable world.


Empowering Learners to Improve Our World


Exploris has been serving students in the downtown Raleigh community for over 20 years and is committed to growing our school in size and diversity to expand support and opportunity for all students. Our educational program is built around four core pillars: Global Education, Project-Based Learning, Co-Teaching, and Responsive Classroom. The articulation of our core values ground the school in our educational approach and community partnerships.

Exploris School Values: Innovation, Social Empowerment, Craftsmanship, Connection to Nature, Relationships, Curiosity, Responsibility, and Reflection.


In a constantly changing world, the ability to approach challenges in a new way is vital. Exploris teachers and students approach the learning process through divergent thinking, creativity, ideation, and risk-taking.


Students learn best when they are exposed to meaningful, complex issues that are applicable to their own lives. Teachers engage students in current, relevant issues by solving authentic problems that are being addressed beyond the four walls of the school building. Students realize that they have the power to change how their world works. They know how to navigate public systems, lobby public officials, and present their research and opinions as responsible citizens. Student work is tangibly connected not only to the local community but to other regions of the world and to past and future events.


Producing an exemplary product is challenging. It takes attention to detail, grit, perseverance, revision, and tenacity. It takes a growth mindset and a dedication to competing with one’s own personal best.


When students witness the power and elements of the natural world through adventure and stewardship, they begin to view themselves as just one species within a larger system.


A nurturing school environment is one where students are encouraged to build and maintain positive relationships and collaborate with their teachers, parents, peers, and community. With a keen understanding of the unique development of the age group which they teach, teachers are intentional about the structures and relationship-building activities that they design. Positive relationships and collaboration results in a tapestry of learners who know they can depend on each other and work together in almost any situation. The end-product is deeper, and Exploris students experience a collective sense of accomplishment and ownership.


In an ever-changing world of new ideas, the importance of reflecting on one’s own thinking and the thinking of others cannot be underestimated. Exploris values the creation of time to slow down, to reflect, and to build connections.


Students take ownership of their learning and accountability for their actions and behavior. Students recognize the importance of character, integrity, and honesty.


True knowledge does not occur without curiosity. Students are empowered to ask questions about the world around them and to explore possible answers.